What I personally loathe is being placed unwillingly in the situation I find myself immersed in. This unique situation is very rare, only occurring when someone you care about surprises you by treating you in a way that gives you no choice other than to be apathetic, or at least act in a way that can apparently be construed as being apathetic.
Petty, snide, pseudo-philosophic remarks about my "apathy" are not going to spark a great clamoring of regrets and apologies, because there are none owed. These comments actually do nothing except breed true apathy, ironically enough.
Another perplexing paradox that has unfortunately been a part of my life lately is the use of cliches in an attempt to express a grave sentiment. By their very definition, cliches are hugely overrated and melodramatic, hold no true meaning after centuries of being recited and cited, and in fact - here comes the irony - reveal an overwhelmingly large amount of apathy towards the situation they are used to discuss.
In the way of the ever-classic Wayne's World series: loathe on.
Because supposedly, as my apathetic nature dictates, I couldn't care less.
Because supposedly, as my apathetic nature dictates, I couldn't care less.