
a perfect sonnet

my spanish professor (god bless her soul) said something in lecture yesterday that struck me as interesting. while explaining a verb tense, she said, 'and what is something if it's perfect? it's complete!'
are things viewed as perfect when they are complete? most things in life are utterly imperfect when they are completed; things never go as planned as a general rule of life as a human being on planet earth. what's more, aren't the best, most 'perfect' things in life are the ones that are never complete, ones that continue evolving and developing over time?
when things are completed, they are at a standstill. and when things are at a standstill, there's no change. granted, nothing bad will develop, but no good can grow, either. stagnation leaves no room for anything new, and i think that is the farthest thing from perfection that life has to offer.

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